12 Aug, 2022

DevOps Engineer Salary Salary Search

This statistic is based on 5492 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by DevOps Engineer roles. The lowest salary is around $75K per year, and the highest salary is $141K per year. If you want to become a DevOps engineer, be prepared to invest years in acquiring the necessary skills and experience. Some of the highest paying jobs are clustered in specific locations.

DevOps Engineer salary

You might start as a backend developer and become interested in product deployment and project management, leading you to a DevOps engineer position later. Or, you might start as a software developer and decide to break away from the traditional role, helping improve testing and deployment. If you’re thinking about a career as a DevOps engineer, we have good news. According to the CodinGame Developer Survey from 2021, DevOps is one of the most sought-after positions. Moreover, 64% of the surveyed companies said they plan to hire 50 such developers this year.

How Many Dev Ops Engineer Jobs Are Remote?

The median salary for DevOps Engineers in the United States is $134,000, making them the highest paid (on average) worldwide. DevOps Engineers in the U.S. that are new to the role earn about $118,000 while Senior engineers can earn $170,000 or higher. As everything has become digitized, the need for DevOps has enormously increased. According to recent surveys, DevOps has opened up ways to employment in various sectors and is also a promising career for the future.

DevOps Engineer salary

With everything you offer, compare what you’re earning and how it relates to the market trends. The average job posting for a DevOps engineer required, at a minimum, a bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field with more emphasis placed on professional training certificates. Professional certificates prove your competence in DevOps practices and tools such as AWS, Linux, Kubernetes, etc. Here’s an example of the qualifications and skills required by employers, as well as the tools you’ll be required to work with. The https://wizardsdev.com/en/vacancy/devops-engineer/ is high compared to other related jobs. A DevOps engineer has to know and understand these jobs and possess the related skills to perform their DevOps role.

DevOps Engineer jobs in Boston

There are plenty of opportunities for upward mobility as a DevOps engineer. With 2 or 3 years of experience in the role and the necessary skills, you could become a Lead DevOps engineer and manage a small team of juniors. On Glassdoor, a lead DevOps engineer made on average $158,007 which is a 20% increase from the DevOps engineer role. 22% of respondents working at companies with more than $1 billion in revenue reported earning salaries between $150k-$250k. Notably, industries with the highest reported salaries were measured based on the percentage of practitioners earning more than $100k.

The average salary for a DevOps Engineer in New York is $150,434. The average additional cash compensation for a DevOps Engineer in New York is $16,062. The average total compensation for a DevOps Engineer in New York is $166,496. DevOps Engineer salaries are based on responses gathered by Built In from anonymous DevOps Engineer employees in New York. The average salary for a DevOps Engineer in Chicago is $148,247.

Senior Backend Engineer (Data / DevOps) – US Remote (ET)

Let’s go through the main markets for English-speaking engineers and compare salaries. Job Details Civil Geotechnical Foundations EngineerManhattan based consulting engineering and.. About the role We are seeking an experienced Senior DevOps Engineer with at least 4.

DevOps Engineer salary

Learn more about him on his website, and connect with Salman on Twitter. In other words, during your career as a DevOps engineer, you can expect to eventually make an additional $50,000 per year as you grow in experience and tenure. Now, let’s take a look at what you can expect in terms of your salary as a DevOps engineer as you advance in your career. In all honesty, the numbers are not surprising, given the breadth of knowledge and skills that a DevOps engineer possesses and the sheer number of responsibilities they have on their plate.

What is the highest salary for a DevOps engineer?

A promotion in name without the salary increase to go with it may seem pointless. Perhaps it’s something as simple as moving from Junior DevOps engineer to DevOps engineer or from DevOps engineer to Senior DevOps engineer. You can see the effect that certain skills have on the salary with the image below from Payscale. Proficiency in the Go programming language can increase your earning potential by as much as 31%. In this instance, entry-level isn’t necessarily someone fresh from school with no experience.

  • According to Bain& Company’s 2021 technology report, job postings that required DevOps as a skill grew by a whopping 443% from 2015 to 2019.
  • We are looking for an motivated Senior Full Stack engineer who wants to get in at the ground level of a..
  • No doubt, you get a very handsome salary but it also depends on company-to-company and also on your experience level.
  • Employees with experience between two and six years make an average compensation of 104,077 USD per year as Capgemini DevOps Engineers.
  • So now that we’ve covered what a DevOps engineer does, how you can become one, and you know what the demand is like for DevOps engineers, let’s discuss salary.
  • 22% of respondents working at companies with more than $1 billion in revenue reported earning salaries between $150k-$250k.

If you’re getting excited at the prospect of becoming a DevOps engineer, have a look at our DevOps vacancies. At 4 day week we list remote engineering jobs that offer a 4-day week with no salary reduction. Most DevOps engineers transition into the role from either having experience in operations or development, for example, as a system administrator or a developer.

Average Dev + Engineer salaries in US

To understand how competitive is to find a DevOps Engineer job you need to know how many applicants are applying in average per each job every month. This chart shows how many new DevOps Engineer jobs was opened and the avarage ETH price in USD per month. Job Details STRUCTURAL ENGINEERMy client is looking to add a Lead Structural Engineer to its talented.. The qualified candidate will have a BS in Civil Engineering and software knowledge including AutoCAD or.. Transform business requests into technical application in order to devise appropriate solutions to existing and newly identified business needs. Deep understanding of core AWS services, uses, and AWS architecture best practices.

The Senior DevOps Engineer will be responsible for architecting, developing and deploying code to dev.. Branching techniques and usage of GitHub, Bitbucket or Subversion. Works with procurement to select and implement vendor partners. The DevOps Engineer is responsible for assisting with the analysis, design and build of..

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